“There are many paths to successful art making...from reclusive to flamboyant, intuitive to intellectual, folk to fine art...one of them is yours”
—Art & Fear by Ted Orland and David Bayles
Paisley Studios offers grounding support to artists of all levels through visual art classes and an affordable membership program for womxn artists.

How it works…
Located in inner NE Portland, we offer small group classes to all genders and provide work space and storage for womxn (cis, queer, and trans) artist members at an affordable rate. The principles of Feminist business guide our membership program and inform the core principles of our art classes. To learn how it all started, read the Studio Story. For a list of all classes & events, please see our new calendar page!
The studio is a place for working and supporting your creative health in a compassionate ecosystem. In our mission statement above, we define “grounding support” as studio infrastructure, instruction, material knowledge, permission to experiment, enthusiasm, encouragement, confidence, community, and space.
website photo credits: Kalaija Mallery, Rupert Wild, Martin Miles
There is pleasure and purpose in creative self expression.
Experience a Class.
We have a growing schedule of art classes open to all genders! We are unapologetically educational, with deep respect for the long traditions in art, a love of material exploration, and a commitment to process over product. We are also clear eyed about systems of racism and oppression that permeate all aspects of art learning, making, viewing, and consuming.
Join a Shared Studio.
At its core, Paisley Studios Membership Program is an affordable shared workspace for womxn artists (cis, queer, & trans). It is a place to come and begin, return to, or develop your artistic practice. The studio provides basic infrastructure (open workspace, storage, natural light, a growing library, a printing press, easels, etc) so that you may devote uncontaminated time to your creative development.
Connect & Collaborate
We are actively envisioning a future where creative practice is not a luxury but a necessity for our survival. We are open to hosting creative workshops, artist groups, and supporting both local and visiting artists in a variety of ways.
Currently we host classes by guest artists Sarah Eaton & Pearlyn Tan, and our past partners include VibePDX & WildCraft Studio School.
What can we do together that we can’t do alone?