Member Spotlight: Missy Hagell

Missy Hagell, a blond woman with red glasses smiles in front of a colorful abstract acrylic painting

Missy Hagell joined the studio in April 2023 after completing the month-long Beginning Drawing: Seeing & Feeling class. Arriving in Portland after living in Seattle and Amsterdam, Missy began a diligent studio practice routine. This month, she started a new chapter of her life in South Carolina, and as a way to celebrate her time at Paisley Studios, I conducted a brief exit interview:

PS: What was your past studio experience like? Was it solo or shared?

MH: Besides when in art school, I worked alone. I found recently though that being in isolation was only getting so far and I was not taking risks to find my voice. 

PS: What were you looking for when you found Paisley Studios?

MH: Community, mentorship, and the ability to do bigger, bolder canvases.

PS: How has your time been so far as a member?

MH: Transformative. I truly believe taking 2yrs sabbatical to just be a painter was only possible through the support and positive encouragement of Paisley Studios. My confidence and techniques have expanded and improved greatly from my time here. 

PS: Why is having a studio space important to you and your art practice?

MH: Ad hoc conversations with other artists, especially when I feel stuck, to discuss techniques or simply the need for fresh eyes on a work has been invaluable. Having dedicated room to work on art and not sharing space with other aspects of life which can be distracting and demotivating. I also love coming to the Studio Practice classes to be in a group of students, they all remind me not to take this life too seriously and simply enjoy the magic of art and process.

Please enjoy this small selection of some of Missy’s great work! Images: “Power of Now” Acrylic on canvas, “Ten Thousand Things” in progress in the studio, Missy with purple hair working in the studio, “High Hāra” acrylic on canvas, “Ten Thousand Things” Acrylic on Canvas, “Daddy’s Dancers” Acrylic on Canvas, “Lady Yoshitune” Acrylic on wood, Missy and her work hanging in the studio

Paisley Studios

Bonnie Paisley is an artist, a teacher, and the owner of Paisley Studios

Member & Student Spotlight: Carol Lieberman